Fathers day fun~ Bottled with love!

Linking generations through inter-generational activities is one of the unique elements of our Educara Montessori Program.

This month we are celebrating Fathers Day!  Our children had a wonderful time with their grand-friends at V!va retirement community working together to create a fabulous one of a kind fathers day gift that every father will love.

Everyone loves food and all fathers love to BBQ right? Well our children got together with their V!va grand-friends to cook up some homemade BBQ sauce and bottle it with their creativity and love.

The importance of this activity goes way beyond just making a fathers day gift. Cooking and eating are social activities that bring people together despite differences in community standing, cultural background and age. Food is at the heart of most “communities or families” and at Educara its no different.

Many of our inter-generalization activities involve cooking or baking to promote understanding and sharing between our Educara children and their grand-friends. Food is a powerful social medium. Through the simple act of cooking together, young and old  learn that they have much in common and much to talk about. Both are often pleasantly surprised to learn of each other’s unique abilities, personalities and qualities.

The children are encouraged to ask questions, for instance is baking the same today as it was when you were little? How has it changed? The answers are usually ones that fascinate the children and the stories of when their grand-friends were little often leave them in awe.

These wonderful inter-generational activities remind our Educara children that there are many positive characteristics associated with seniors. And, through opportunities to share activities with the children, the seniors learn firsthand that young people have valuable insights to share.


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